Minutes of June 7th, 2013 Federation meeting.
By Recording Secretary Nick Angiulo
The monthly meeting of the New Jersey Bass Federation was called to order at 8:29 PM. The meeting started late due to an Executive board meeting that was held before our regular meeting. The following board members were present, Tony Going, Mike Hart, Forest Honeywell, Doug Peabody, Tournament Director Al Purdy. Nick Anguillo was absent due to the US OPEN GOLF Tournament being held in Philadelphia . The Federation is having problems getting members to attend our meetings . We only had six members attend this meeting and we have two motions that were purposed and seconded , but we didn’t get enough people to attend so that the motions can be voted. A long discussion took place on this matter. A suggestion was made that we use the internet to get the motions voted by the membership.
After more discussion , it was decided that we will try to use the internet. The person to vote will be the club contact person. The motion to be voted will have to be made in person at a regular meeting. The motion will still have to be seconded at the same meeting and will be voted on at the next meeting. It will be up to the club contact person to contact his club members to find out which way to vote. This method of voting will be an absentee ballot that will be sent in an E-mail to the contact person.
After all absentee ballots are counted we will announce the findings. After more discussion a member from the floor says that the Federation should use the internet more to communicate with the membership and that the minutes should be sent to each member and any other things that come up. It was also suggested that if we don’t get enough participation that the board should start making the decisions to keep the Federation running properly. Tony reported that BASS is going to let five people go. Three will be from the Bass Nation staff and Don Corkran will be retiring in July. Another discussion came up about the amount of time that it takes us to get the stats up after our events.
Then it was brought up about using PAYPAL to enter our Events and to put the pairings up on the internet to make it easier for Tournament Committee and the contestants. Tournaments , Al reported that there was a problem with some of the weights recorded on the weigh in slips. Most of the problems occurred around the dead fish penalties that were given to a few contestants. It was also discussed that we should eliminate the signing of the slips. The board will take this matter up with the committee. Al reported that the new weigh in bags in a bag system is working out well.
The fish seem to be easier to handle and much calmer and don’t jump around which speeds up the process. College Tournaments; P J reported that Ramapo & Rutgers will be having a tournament at Lake Hopatcong and he will need twelve boat captains to run the event and is asking for help. A question from the floor about the lake level at Hopatcong , the lake is currently no wake and will we fish this tournament. Al responded with we will fish the conditions as they are on tournament day. Forest gave the treasure’s report which was Motioned and seconded by the membership present, So voted. It was also mentioned that Nick Anguillo will be attending the BFL ALL AMERICAN in two weeks. The meeting was Close at 9:45 PM Minutes taken by Doug Peabody
Clubs Present were ; Quickfire, Raritan Valley , Over the Ridge , Limiters , KOBA , Glouster County Bass Club , Big “ D “ Valley , Blazin Bass , Mega Bass 6 , Clearwater , Castaway,