Minutes of July 13, 2007 Federation meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by President Tony Going. Vice President Mike Hart, Treasurer John Carlone; Executive Officer Forest Honeywell and recording secretary Nick Angiulo were not in attendance.
The following chapters were not in attendance: Bass Kickers; Berkley; Bladerunners; Bucketmouth Brigade; Cumberland County; Essex County; Garden State; Hawg Stickers; Limiters; Mercer County; Predators: Raritan Valley; Rockaway; Salem County; South Jersey Bass Stalkers; Swimming River; Tightline; Tri-State; United; Woods and Water.
President Going indicated that there was not a quorum of clubs in attendance; therefore, no business could be conducted without him deeming the meeting legal. He then deemed the meeting legal.
The Minutes from the June 8, 2007 Federation meeting were read by Secretary Bruce Stovall. The minutes were accepted via motion/second.
There was no Treasury Report provided in the absence of John Carlone.
The Tournament Report was given by Tournament Director Al Purdy. Al stated that the Greenwood Lake tournament went well and thanked all of the participants for their patience with the weigh-in. He also reported that only 3 fish were not returned to the water alive. He reviewed the new payout methodology that was used at Greenwood with the members present and those who received a check spoke to how nice it was to receive a decent payout. The newly adopted payout system is payout to 6 boaters and 6 co-anglers. He indicated that the change in payout was necessary to better support the “Pro-Am” format that the NJBF is adopting for the 2008 tournament season. Payouts will be reflective of the two distinctly separate divisions of angler (boater and co-angler) and will be based on the number of entrants in each.
Al discussed the upcoming Saratoga Lake tournament and stated that again the number of participants was low. Since every boater is allowed to use their boat we now have a significant number of boats going out single and he also stated to get the word out to your fellow fishermen that we have plenty of room for riders/observers.
A discussion about the 2008 tournament schedule and how we might be able to draw more people to our events was undertaken. It was the consensus of the group that the tournaments should probably be held closer. Due to the increasing gas prices, a suggestion by Tournament Committee chairman Marty Klapa was that we fish twice on the Flats next year (1 Spring/1Fall) rather than travel to the Potomac and/or somewhere in New York. Marty was asked to work the tournament schedule and come back to the membership with a tentative schedule for the membership to make the final decision. A suggestion to fish Candlewood Lake in Connecticut was also discussed with no without a final decision being made.
It was suggested that our organization work with the other fishing organizations throughout the State to strengthen participation at all levels, rather than incur scheduling conflicts that would otherwise cause an angler to choose one or the other.
Secretary Bruce Stovall spoke of a new club that was interested in joining NJBF. He made it clear that he and other Board Members were available to speak with interested clubs on how to become members of FLW/TBF and the NJBF.
Tony Going raised a discussion point about an email that was received by the Board that suggested that we should get an automated weigh-in system to facilitate faster weigh-in and a faster payout. The Board is amenable to purchasing new equipment as long as we can raise the funds necessary to acquire it. Although it may appear that our Federation has an excess of funds, this is just not the case, since the funds are earmarked to support our State Team that competes at the Divisional level. Each trip to a divisional costs our Federation an average of $13,000.00. For that amount, top shelf accommodations, gas for boat & tow vehicle, team attire, incidentals are included. This is done so that our anglers do not have to worry about anything but competing. Tony stated that anyone who has ever been on the State team will agree that the Federation does this right, and that is how it should be for our Team. He then reaffirmed that we will be glad to invest in new technology, we just need to budget for it and raise the funds.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 p.m.
Submitted by Bruce Stovall, Secretary.