Minutes of October 12, 2007 Federation meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by President Tony Going. Vice President Mike Hart, Executive Officer Forest Honeywell and Tournament Director Al Purdy were not in attendance.
The following chapters were not in attendance: Bass Kickers; Bergen; Berkshire Valley; Bladerunners; Catch & Release; Clearwater; Cumberland County; KOBA; Mega Bass Six; Metro; New Jersey Bass Hunters; Newfield (excused); Salem County; South Jersey Hawg Hunters; Sunrise; Super Six; Swimming River; Tightline (excused); Woods and Water.
The Minutes from the September 14, 2007 Federation meeting were read by Recording Secretary Nick Angiulo. The minutes were accepted via motion/second.
The Treasury Report was read by Treasurer John Carlone. The report was accepted via motion/second.
The Tournament Report was held in abeyance based on Tournament Director Al Purdy’s absence. However, President Going stated that the Team Tournament dates were firm for Lake Champlain (Ticonderoga) on June 26 and 27, 2008.
Tony also stated how proud he was of the 2007 State Team for its recent second place finish at the TBF Mid-Atlantic Divisional. Tony stated that both the Boaters and Co-Anglers did their best against a Delaware team that had an incredible local area knowledge advantage. In this regard, team member Dave Frost stated that New Jersey’s team was 45 pounds better than the third place team, but could not overcome the insurmountable advantage Delaware had. As an example, he stated that he fished with a Delaware team member who was a guide on the Nanticoke River and had scores of spots where he had planted submerged structure that no one but the Delaware team knew of. Tony stated that the $3500 check the club earned would go towards sending the two New Jersey qualifiers, Joe Sancho and Ron Schneider, to the TBF National Championship.
Tony indicated that Forest Honeywell recently ran the Youth State Qualifier on October 6, 2007 in the Picatinny Arsenal. Tony stated that the event was a tremendous success and that Dorothy Honeywell and the numerous volunteers were a tremendous help. Tony stated that Forest would give a full report on the event at a later meeting. Secretary Stovall added that Forest wished to thank Marty Klapa and Dean Buono for donating tackle, and MegaStrike’s Bob Uhrig for donating tackle and MegaStrike.
Tony indicated that 35TH anniversary Federation patches would be made and given to every member. Hats with the patch were also being made but a decision on their distribution has not yet been made.
Secretary Stovall stated that “Reel to Reel” ads were due by the end of October and should be mailed directly to Mike Kozub, 40 Karen Road, Highland Lakes, New Jersey, 07422. Bruce also indicated that the advertising rates were: Business Card – $70; ¼ Page – $185; ½ Page – $260; Full Page – $490; Inside Front Cover – $495; Center Two Pages – $690; Inside Back Cover – $390; Outside Back Cover – $600; Booster – $40.
Dave Frost stated that Show Director Joe Poms indicated that a new booth would be needed for the upcoming outdoor shows. Treasurer John Carlone indicated that inquiries into obtaining a new booth have been made.
Tony stated that the Team Tournament paperwork will be distributed during the November meeting and would be due at the December meeting. Bruce stated that he will attempt to also have the documents available on the website.
Based on a question from the floor about a lack of participation in point tournaments, a lengthy and very productive discussion ensued. Many suggestions were made to try to increase participation. In this regard, Bruce Stovall formed a Tournament Sponsor Committee to attempt to secure more tournament sponsorship monies. Erik Lentine and John Winters volunteered for the Committee.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Submitted by Nick Angiulo, Recording Secretary.